Friday, April 15, 2011


What do you think of global warming?  This talk could be an excellent way to express being a disciple of Christ, that is, living against social norms.  Buying only organic clothing?  Driving not the fastest or most luxurious car but one that leaves a small carbon footprint? 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Human Trafficking

Matt Marienthal spoke about the prevalence and "varieties" of human trafficking, and the hurdles victims face in overcoming their "slavery."  An excellent response will add to an understanding of this problem and proposals for how to eliminate this unjust practice.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Faith & Social Justice

Watch this installment of  Bill Moyers Journal, "Faith & Social Justice."  Evaluate it.  You will not be graded on your opinion.  What is important is that you show an understanding of what's being said and supporting your point of view.  If you insert an image or link to accompany your blog entry, that helps your grade.  Since this is a project, creative elements are critical.

Welcome Quest Students

Greetings, Quest Students!  This will be our project grade for this unit. 

Having studied the person of Jesus and the significance of Christ and having studied the mission of the Church, it is time to turn our attention to how this message should shape our world. 

Remember, Social Justice is not about helping individual persons.  It's about systems, structures, laws and "traditions" that marginalize and persecute whole groups in our society.  Social Justice is about being a Community of Disciples. 

Consult the rubric for how to succeed in this project.  Your comments need to be articulated well.  They need to be written well and show engagement with what we're hearing and reading.  The best grades will link to images or websites. 

I would suggest reading related articles in magazines like and National Review.  The former is quite liberal in its politics; the latter conservative.  In the Church realm you may want to access the website for the U.S. Bishops (Social Justice Issues): magazine is a Jesuit publication and Commonweal as well as Sojourners are respected Catholic magazines.  All these would be center-left publications.  For a traditionalist perspective, look at The Wanderer. 

As you set your sights on the world outside of LA, it is critical to engage the economic, political and social world that you will inhabit and that you will help shape.